
Nobody ever likes to admit to mistakes due to his own youth, but I guess this time I have no choice.


I guess that there is no room for the selection this time though it doesn't like to admit mistaking for every and his youth.


His youth guessed I this time in there is no room for the selection at all when it admits a mistake though it is not favorite.


When admitting a mistake, this I there quite guessed that it was not room for the selection his youth was not to like.


It is not room for the selection that it was not supposed to like his youth but it is this in which it I considerably guessed there is in admitting a mistake.


Did any and it and I who did not cohabit this Cone of the selection it admit, find the mistake, and guess though did not have to like his youth?


It and I who did not do so cohabited sooner or later. However, you did not admit by it, and like his youth as for this Cone of the selection to understand it is a guess as mistake?

それとそうしなかった私が遅かれ早かれ、同棲しました。 しかしながら、あなたは、それで認めて、選択のこのConeのような彼の青春が、それが誤りとして推測であることを理解しているのが好きではありませんでしたか?

I who had not done so as it cohabited sooner or later. However, did not you like understanding of his youth like this Cone of the selection of the guess as the mistake it admitting then?

それとしてそうしていなかった私が遅かれ早かれ、同棲しました。 しかしながら、あなたが推測の選択のこのConeのように誤りとして彼の青春の理解が好きでなかった、それ、その時、認めますか?

I who had not been doing so as it cohabited sooner or later. However, do you admit as a mistake like this Cone of the selection of the guess at it and that time when it did not like his understanding in youth?

それが遅かれ早かれ同棲されたときそうしていなかった私。 しかしながら、あなたはそれとそれが若者における彼の理解が好きでなかったその時、推測の選択のこのConeのような誤りとして認めますか?

I who was not doing so when it cohabits it sooner or later. However, do it and it admit you as a mistake like this Cone of the selection of the guess at that time when it did not like his understanding in the young person?

私、だれ、遅かれ早かれ、同棲するときそうをするのは、それではありませんでしたか? しかしながら、それとそれは、それがその時若い人で彼の理解が好きでなかったときに、誤りとしてのあなたが推測の選択のこのConeが好きであることを認めますか?

Then, wasn't there doing the aspect at cohabitation who, and me sooner or later?However, does it admit this Cone of the selection of the guess you as mistake are to be liked as for it and it when it was not favorite of his understanding in a young person at that time?


Next..cohabitation..phase..do..provide..sooner or later..at that time..young..person..understanding..favorite..mistake..like..guess..selection..this..admit.


The following. Cohabitation. It phases it. Please do. Please offer it. Sooner or later. That time. It is young. Person. Understanding. Favor. It makes a mistake. I like it. Please guess. Selection. This. Please admit.

以下。 同棲。 それはそれの位相を合わせます。 してください。 それを提供してください。 遅かれ早かれ。 その時。 それは若いです。 人。 理解。 好意。 それは誤りをします。 私はそれが好きです。 推測してください。 選択。 これ。 認めてください。

As follows. Cohabitation. It matches its phase. Please do. Please offer it. Sooner or later. That time. It is young. Person. Understanding. Goodwill. It is mistaken. I like it. Please guess. Selection. This. Please admit.

以下の通り。 同棲。 それはフェーズに合います。 してください。 それを提供してください。 遅かれ早かれ。 その時。 それは若いです。 人。 理解。 好意。 それは間違われます。 私はそれが好きです。 推測してください。 選択。 これ。 認めてください。

As followsCohabitation. It is suitable for the phase. Please do. Please offer it. Sooner or later. That time. It is young. Person. Understanding. Goodwill. It makes a mistake in it. I like it. Please guess. Selection. This. Please admit.

followsCohabitationとして。 それはフェーズに適しています。 してください。 それを提供してください。 遅かれ早かれ。 その時。 それは若いです。 人。 理解。 好意。 それはそれの誤りをします。 私はそれが好きです。 推測してください。 選択。 これ。 認めてください。

As followsCohabitation. It is suitable for the phase. Please do. Please offer it. Sooner or later. That time. It is young. Person. Understanding. Goodwill. It mistakes it. I like it. Please guess. Selection. This. Please admit.
